Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Iraq Weekly Roundup WEEK # 31

Levels of violence rose considerably in Iraq last week, and it was the worst recorded so far this year in terms of casualties.

At least 150 people were killed and 386 injured in nationwide incidents, many of which took place on 23 July as mass-casualty attacks swept the country.

A total of 70 bomb attacks left 97 people dead and 357 injured. There were two additional suicide bombings but for a change they failed to cause any casualties.

Small arms fire attacks left 49 people dead and 29 injured.

The most violent province was Salah ad-Din, a former hotspot of al-Qaeda activity. It would seem that al-Qaeda and its affiliates are trying to re-establish a presence in the area.

Ta'mim in the north of the country also saw several attacks, overshadowing the normally more hazardous province of Ninawa. Diyala province also saw several attacks.

Source: AKE

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