Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Iraq Weekly Security weekly roundup week #7

While Baghdad saw a spate of attacks on 17 February, the overall number of countrywide incidents neither increased nor decreased last week.

The number of fatalities was actually lower than the previous week.

At least 65 people were killed and 145 injured in nationwide incidents, most of which took place in the capital and predominantly Sunni areas in the central and northern provinces.

The south of the country saw several police operations and arrests but no major outbreaks of violence.

A total of 29 bomb attacks left 24 people dead and 125 injured countrywide. Two additional suicide bombings in Ninawa province left eight people dead and four injured.

A higher than normal number of small arms fire attacks left 30 people dead and 16 injured.

There were also two indirect fire attacks (rockets and mortars) recorded but they did not cause any casualties.

Discontent continues to simmer in majority Sunni parts of the country, particularly the east of Anbar province.

However, the government managed to prevent demonstrations from reaching the capital by clamping down on traffic in and out of the city.

This is likely to infuriate the Sunni community further, while it will also have a major impact on travel plans in and around the capital.

Source: AKE

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