Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Iraq Weekly Roundup 06-Nov.12

Levels of violence fell in Iraq last week, and AKE suspects this may be linked to ongoing counter-insurgency operations initiated by the security forces in the central and northern provinces. At least 19 people were killed and 25 injured in nationwide incidents.

A total of 14 bomb attacks left six people dead and 16 injured, a notable drop from the previous week. Small arms fire attacks left 12 people dead and nine injured. There were no suicide attacks or indirect fire attacks (rockets and mortars) reported.

Violence was concentrated in Anbar province, which currently resembles a low-level battleground, with several police and army operations targeting suspected radical Islamist militants in the area. The response to this has been a series of terrorist attacks against the security forces in urban parts of the east of the province.

Ninawa province was the next most hostile area, with several attacks recorded in Mosul. Baghdad and Diyala province on the other hand saw no violence at all, a very rare occurrence, although the calm was shattered by a car bomb attack in the east of the capital earlier on 5 November.

Source: AKE Group

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