Monday, November 26, 2012

Iraq weekly roundup 26-Nov.12

Levels of violence fell in Iraq last week. At least 20 people were killed and 53 injured in nationwide incidents – a low figure for the country.

Even more remarkable is the fact that the weekend saw the Shi'ah holy period of Ashura, which has previously seen severe bouts of terrorist violence aimed at Shi'ah civilians. There were some attacks, but the security forces appear to have limited the extent of the expected violence fairly substantially.

Throughout the week a total of 26 non-suicide bomb attacks left 12 people dead and 42 injured – a low figure. An additional suicide bombing in the north-west of Mosul injured five people.

Shooting attacks left seven people dead and four injured. Indirect fire attacks (rockets and mortars) left one person dead and two injured.

Attacks were concentrated in the northern cities of Kirkuk and Mosul, as well as along a belt of settlements running from Rawa in Anbar province towards Kifl in Babil province, with notable clusters around Ramadi and Fallujah.

In Salah ad-Din province there was a spate of attacks in Tikrit on 20 November, while tensions between the federal and Kurdish security forces remain high around Tuz Khurmatu.

Baghdad was unusually quiet; there were no major incidents recorded in Kurdish Regional Government territory; there was only one attack recorded in the south.

Source: AKE

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