Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Iraq Security weekly roundup

Levels of violence rose in Iraq last week. At least 97 people were killed and 327 injured in nationwide incidents, which is moderately high for the country, and an increase from the previous week.

A total of 41 non-suicide bomb attacks left 74 people dead and 289 injured. Two additional suicide bombings left nine people dead and 31 injured.

Of particular note were two seemingly co-ordinated bombings in Hillah and Karbala on 29 November which left dozens of people dead and injured.

A bus containing 20 army recruits was also taken captive by armed militants in Salah ad-Din province on 30 November, but the army was able to rescue the vehicle and the captives within a few hours.

There was a consistent number of small arms fire attacks, which left 14 people dead and seven injured. There were no indirect fire attacks (rockets and mortars) reported.

Violence was spread relatively evenly throughout urbanised parts of the central and northern provinces. The south of the country was relatively quiet.

Tensions remain high between the Baghdad and Kurdish authorities over disputed territories in the central north region of the country. There will remain the potential for localised spats, political tirades and even a wider escalation, although at present both sides are more likely to pursue a diplomatic solution than a costly confrontation.

Sources: AKE, MOH, MOI, MOD, INA

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