Monday, October 29, 2012

Iraq weekly roundup 29-Oct.12

The overall number of attacks taking place in Iraq rose over the past week, part of a three-week overall increase in violence countrywide. At least 71 people were killed and 209 injured in nationwide incidents, which is a jump from the previous week.

As warned in last week's report, terrorists targeted civilians gathered at mosques and in their homes to commemorate the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha. Even the normally well-defended district of Kadhimiyah in Baghdad was hit. Otherwise, violence was concentrated elsewhere in the north of the capital, as well as Mosul, Kirkuk and Diyala province.

In total, at least 32 non-suicide bomb attacks left 35 people dead and 177 injured countrywide. An additional suicide bombing in Fallujah left one person dead and five more injured. Small arms fire attacks left three people dead and five injured. Four people were abducted in separate incidents in Kirkuk in the north and Amarah in the south.

There was an unusually high number of indirect fire attacks (rockets and mortars), which left seven people dead and two injured. This may constitute a statistical and coincidental blip, but organisations are advised to review their emergency measures to deal with indirect fire attacks. The attacks are not currently cause for alarm, but they will be worthy of greater attention if the attacks continue for another week.

Resource: AKE Group

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